Is Your Law Firm Modern Enough?

The legal industry may be wary of new technologies, but here's why you should consider implementing them today.

Is Your Law Firm Modern Enough?

The Modern Law Firm series delves into how AI can streamline your law firm — whether it’s by saving you time and money, eliminating mistakes and redundancies or making your workflow more efficient. 

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Do you have a modern law firm?

The legal field isn’t the quickest to adopt new technologies. However, as we become increasingly dependent on technology, not only may it help legal teams complete their jobs, but clients may also expect their lawyers to use these tools.

Read on to learn more about why modernizing your law firm can have a positive impact and what pieces of tech you can implement today.

Why Are Law Firms Slow to Adopt New Technologies?

There are several reasons a law firm may move cautiously when it comes to new technologies. 

As RegPac says, as a “traditionally very conservative” industry, there is a hesitance to adopt new technologies even today, exemplified by the recent AI trepidation. A 2023 American Bar Association survey found that across law firms of all sizes, 10.9% are “currently using artificial intelligence-based technology tools.” Another 20.5% were “not interested in purchasing artificial intelligence-based technology tools.” 

It’s not just change that can scare off law firms. There are also added costs, security concerns, how it might affect billable hours, and difficulty scheduling training, according to the ABA Journal. Law firm employees juggle many cases, so squeezing time in their already busy schedules can feel overwhelming. 

Advantages of Modernizing Your Law Firm

It can take a lot of work to modernize your law firm, but the benefits can make it worthwhile. Adding AI and other modern tools can:

Help You Stand Out

If your peers aren’t embracing technology as much as you, this can be a selling point. Your marketing materials can explain to clients that AI is not only useful for your firm but for them. 

Simplify the Process for Clients

Technology can make it so your clients can pay their bills online, ask questions through a chat function or work asynchronously on their case. For example, Noodle’s mobile function lets clients update documents at any time from their phones, making it so they don’t have to come into the office to turn in paperwork. 

Make You More Efficient 

Tools can automate and handle repetitive tasks, which can help you move through cases quickly. This can let you focus your efforts on more complex tasks that you may have previously had less time to dedicate to. 

Save You Money

While AI and other tech tools are an investment, they can also save you money. For example, you can use a platform like Noodle that combines a variety of functions like a payment processor, meeting scheduler, and customer relationship management tool (among many other useful features) for one cost that can help eliminate the need for certain roles. 

5 Tools to Modernize Your Law Firm

Here are a few places to start to make your law firm more modern:

1. Meeting Scheduler 

Many law firms do not let clients schedule meetings in just a few clips or taps. An American Bar Association Survey found that only 14% of the respondents’ law firms provided a way for clients to schedule an appointment online. This tool can cut down the back and forth that happens when two people attempt to find a time that works for both of them. Noodle has a built-in meeting scheduler that clients and prospective clients can use to book meetings and informational sessions. 

2. Client Relationship Manager

A client relationship management (CRM) system helps you keep track of your clients. As you work on several cases across years, it can be easy to mix up clients. But your trusty CRM will ensure that’s not a problem.

Law firms use CRMs regularly as part of their workflows, but they’re not effective. A 2023 State of CRM at Law Firms Industry Report found that 85% of the 71 law firms surveyed use a CRM. However, of those, only 21% of law firms find the platforms highly effective. The best use of a CRM for 32% of lawyers was for contact management.  

3. Document Management System

A tool that can help you manage the documents you need for your cases is incredibly useful. Noodle, for example, not only digitally stores all the forms you need for bankruptcy and immigration cases, but it can also help autofill and file them for you. 

4. Bill Processor 

Not every client wants to pay in person or uses the same payment method. Being able to give your clients options, particularly being able to pay online, can help you stay on top of company finances.

3 Tips to Start Modernizing Today

While daunting, it’s absolutely possible to modernize your law firm. Here’s how: 

Start Small

You don’t have to change all your systems at once. You can take it slowly and ensure your staff knows how to use one program well before you move on to the next one. 

Build in Training Breaks

If you plan to add new systems, you must train your staff. You can either implement a system where every Friday for a few months, people know they can take time to familiarize themselves with these new programs so they can ask questions and not feel guilty about not working on casework.

You can also schedule training weeks in advance so your staff can adjust their schedule accordingly. 

Find Tools That Scale With Your Business

Just because a program works for you at one point doesn’t mean it always will. If your business grows, for example, you may need to pay extra fees or you may find the tool you once used is no longer beneficial to your team. Before you sign up for a new platform, ask account managers how it can support your firm’s growth, so you’re not scrambling when you have scaled your business.

Superpower Your Firm

Noodle has AI tools specifically meant to help lawyers save time and money and drive a better customer experience. Reach out today to take advantage of Noodle’s form and document management, invoice generator and 24/7 client support.